Use the following steps to register into an online renewal course for your certification in Coursettra, or view the tutorial video below. Should you need further assistance, click on the Service Desk button to contact the Help Desk at UDig NY.
STEP 1: Go to
STEP 2: Login to your existing account. If you are a certified excavator needing a renewal you already have an account and should not create a new one. Select the Forgot Password link under the login fields if you cannot remember your username or password. You can also contact your regional Field Representative for assistance.
PLEASE NOTE: If you create a new account, you may not be able to access the renewal and your certification will reflect as expired if the renewal isn’t taken on the same account.
STEP 3: On your home page (do not click any other pages), scroll down and under the “Welcome to Coursettra” banner, you will see a heading titled, “My Training Programs.” Under this heading, you will see your certification listed. Click on the certification.
STEP 4: Clicking on the certification will open a new page. You will see three tabs on the top right. Click on the tab that says, “Continuing Education.”
STEP 5: Locate the class titled “Certified Excavator Program Renewal Course” and click on it to Register.
PLEASE NOTE: If Spanish is your first language, select the course titled, “Code Rule 753 Overview (Spanish Version)”
STEP 6: Click, “Confirm”
STEP 7: Click, “Close” (you do not need to print the confirmation)
STEP 8: Click, “My Training” in the top left menu bar to return to your home page.
STEP 9: Scroll down on the home page until you see the heading “My Training” located under the “Welcome to Coursettra” banner.
STEP 10: You will see the “Certified Excavator Program Renewal Course” listed there. Click, “Start”
PLEASE NOTE: Once you click start, you will have two weeks (14 days) to complete the course. The course will take approximately one hour to complete. If you leave the course unfinished, when you next login, you will see the start button changed to “Resume,” and you will be able to pick up where you left off.
We do not send certificates when renewals are completed so be sure to take a screen shot or a picture with your phone at the end of the course when it says complete if your employer would like verification.