To find information about your Location Request and respective utility responses without an Exactix Account, please follow the steps below. Should you need further assistance, click on the Service Desk button to contact the Help Desk at UDig NY.
STEP 1: Visit the Exactix login page at
STEP 2: On the left-hand side of the login screen, you will see “Searching for a ticket? Search here.” Click on the green Search here text.
STEP 3: On the Find a Ticket screen, enter the ticket number (include dashes) from your submitted Location Request. You must also input the phone number that was provided as the primary contact number when the location request was created.
STEP 4: Click the grey Find to get your result. The location request information will be displayed below the section in which you input you ticket and phone number. Should you have multiple tickets to look up, click on the X next to the ticket number and phone number fields.