Use the following steps to located the Certified Excavator Program within Coursettra, or view the tutorial video below. Should you need further assistance, click on the Service Desk button to contact the Help Desk at UDig NY.
STEP 1: Once logged in click, “Browse”
STEP 2: Click the toggle next to “online” on the left side of the screen to show only online classes. It will turn blue after you’ve clicked it.
STEP 3: Click on the course titled “Certified Excavator Program”
STEP 4: Click “Register”
STEP 5: You will need to go to Paypal to complete registration. You can pay the $25 per person fee either with your Paypal account or, if you’d like to use a credit card, select the check out as a guest option and you will be able to put input your credit card information there.
STEP 6: Once registration is complete, you will have a start button for the course on your home page. Click the little house icon with “My Training” next to it to return to the home page. If you do not see this icon in the top left side of the page, you may have an open window and need to click the “X” in either the top right or left corner first.