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Damage Prevention Councils

Tackling issues from excavation safety to raising public awareness, hosting breakfasts and sponsoring safety training seminars for excavators and facility operators alike, the DPCs are here to help.

Safe Digging Starts Here

Damage Prevention Councils support UDig NY’s mission of promoting excavation safety. Consider becoming involved today.

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Damage Prevention Council events are moving to Connect, UDig NY’s online community.

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About the Damage Prevention Councils

UDig NY’s eight regional Damage Prevention Councils (DPCs) serve as a forum for members of the utility and excavation industries, as well as respective stakeholders, to interact with each other and address issues of concern. DPCs have elected officials and meet on a monthly basis to undertake regular business, identify regional challenges, and problem solve solutions that combat damages to underground utilities and enhance community safety. DPC members also volunteer at community and industry events to raise awareness of excavation safety and the importance of contacting UDig NY before digging.

Explore DPCs

Click an area of the map to view information on each Damage Prevention Council (DPC).