When planning your outdoor project, one of the best things you can do to make sure your location request goes smoothly is to indicate exactly where the work will take place with white spray paint.
Utility locators are working off of the written descriptions on your Location Request. Marking your project area in white visually grabs the locator’s attention by drawing them in to your precise work location. Not only are you drawing locator attention, you are also minimizing the total work the locator is required to do.
Locators are required to mark out any public utilities within 15’ of your specified area. Without pre-marking, you are indicating that the whole property is your work area. It can take a locator several hours to mark out a large property. By pre-marking, you can avoid unnecessary markings and ensure the locator only marks utilities within the 15’ of where your project is actually taking place.
If you have any questions you can contact your local Field Representative.