Service Area Profile Verification Process
Previously, when a member needed to make changes to their membership information, or their bi-yearly profile verification was due, the Member Manager would receive digital files that required them to print and hand-write all changes. Now, Exactix has the Service Area profile available to view and verify online. This new profile verification is only for the Service Area profile, it does not include the Member layer of the membership. If you need to make changes to the Member Manager and Billing information including the member agreement will still be handled through digital files that will require a signature to make those changes.
The Service Area profile verification process is quick and easy. Your member and/or service area managers will have permission to complete the verification through their Exactix account. If either manager doesn’t have an Exactix account, they should reach out to Member Services at by completing a service desk request here.
Members will now be required to review their membership information every 365 days from the last profile verification date. Please note: Anytime there are changes that need to be made to the membership information throughout the year, the member should complete a profile update as soon as possible.
Yearly Profile Verification Process:
When your yearly profile verification is due the Service Area Manager will receive an email notification that your profile verification is due. The email will come from [email protected].
Here is an example of the email notification:
Clicking on the hyperlinked ‘Service Area’ name within the email text will open to the Exactix login page. The member or service area manager will need to sign into their Exactix account to complete the verification. Once logged in the Verify Profile window will open for you to begin the profile verification process.
If you delete the verification email or go to Exactix directly, you will also find a link on the Welcome page to complete the verification process.
Completing a Profile Verification anytime you have changes:
Outside of the yearly verification process, if you have changes to make to your Service Area, you can do so by logging into Exactix and following the below steps.
Please note: Member Managers and/or Service Area Managers that have the MEMBER – SERVICE AREA MANAGER ROLE will have the ability to complete a profile verification. If your manager(s) do not have an Exactix account, they will need to reach out to Member Support to get an Exactix registration link sent.
To login to Exactix please visit: and enter your username and password.
Once on the Welcome page click on the Service Area tab located on the left menu bar.
The Service Area list window will open, here you will find a list of all the Service Area(s) you are associated to. To open a profile for a Service Area, double click on that Service Area item line.
Once you are on the Service Area Profile view there are several tabs that run across the top of the profile. These tabs identify the different sections that the Service Area Profile is divided into. Your profile will always open to Basic tab.
On the right side of the Basic tab, you find two function buttons: Download Profile Report and Verify Profile. The Download Profile Report will allow you to print all the information that is currently listed within the profile. The Verify Profile starts the profile verification process where you can make the necessary changes to your membership information.
Before we go through a step-by-step of the Profile Verification process. Let’s go over what a Profile Verification is.
The profile verification process is quick and easy as there are only 4 pages to be reviewed. Each page in the verification process represents a tab within the Service Area profile and on each page, you will find a Feedback section. The feedback section is where you either approve meaning there are no changes or write your request for changes.
To complete the verification process, you need to either select the check box — Please check to approve step, if unchecked please provide changes option which confirms there are no changes to that page’s information. If there are changes to that page’s information you would type out all requested changes on the requested changes field.
You cannot move forward with the profile verification without either selecting the check box or entering your changes.
Once you have completed a page you will select the next button.
Please note: If you need to stop and come back for whatever reason, select Save Progress and everything you’ve completed so far in the verification process will be saved until you come back. Please note: your saved progress will only be saved for three weeks (21 days). If you do not complete your progress within 21 days it will expire and you would need to start over.
Once you have completed the profile verification, select Submit. Your profile verification will be submitted, and Member Services will be alerted that the profile verification is ready for review.
There is a Previous button and a Cancel button also available. The previous will take you to the previous page whereas the cancel button will exit the profile verification window and not save your changes.
Let’s discuss what each page is showing and any special notes:
Page 1 will list the information found on the Basic tab of the Service Area Profile.
The only information that can be changed on this page is the Positive Response Type and the Utility Types section.
The Positive Response Type has two options Service Area and Utility Type. A Service Area Response type means that the response entered on a location request is for the whole Service Area as a whole. Where the Utility Type Response type means that each location request requires a response for each utility type listed for the Service Area. If you would like more information on this, please reach out to Member Services at [email protected].
The Utility Types section should list all underground facilities that a Service Area owns and maintains.
Here is a list of what Utility Types are available:
Page 2 will list the information found on the Hours and Holidays tab of the Service Area Profile.
Such as Business Hours, Holidays, System Holidays.
Your business hours should be listed for when someone is in the office. Your business do affect any delivery rules you have set up such as voice calls and additional copies of tickets that are set to send outside of business hours.
Holidays are days that you will be closed that are outside of the System Holidays. Any holiday or office closure listed that is not a System Holiday will enable any after-delivery rules however Regular and Emergency location requests are taken 24/7 and will still require a positive response by work start date and time.
System Holidays are the holidays that per Code Rule 753 the UDig NY One Call Center observes and does affect the location requests work start dates. There are 11 System Holidays that affect ticket work start dates, these holidays are:
- New Years Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- President’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans’ Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
You will see the following holidays listed in this section. However, they are not holidays that will affect the work start date and time however they are common holidays that our members observe and help us to easily manage these holidays in the system. These holidays are Good Friday, Election Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and New Years Eve. These holidays are regular holidays and will require a positive response by the work start date and time on Regular tickets to avoid late tickets.
Page 3 will list the information found on the Contacts tab within the Service Area profile.
This contact section is for the Service Area layer only and does not include the Member Manager or Billing Contact.
There are 6 Contact types within a Service Area that are required with one contact type that is only required of members with gas as a utility type:
Service Area Manager – this contact is the main point of contact for the Service Area and has permission from the Member Manager to make decisions for the day-to-day operations within the Service Area. These decisions may include changes to hours of operation, ticket delivery methods, map updates, and contact changes for the Service Area. (This person can also be the Member Manager).
Stakeout Contact – this contact’s name and number will be listed on each location request as the point of contact for the excavator (excluding design requests). Excavators may call with questions about the mark out or a lack of a response by a Service Area. There can only be one (1) Stakeout contact per service area and is required.
Design Contact – this contact’s name and number will be shared on Design tickets as a point of contact for surveyors, engineers, and others who are requesting pre-excavation information through a Design ticket. There is only one (1) Design contact per service area and is required.
Disaster Recovery Contact – is the person who would be called in the event UDig NY experiences a serious technical issue such as a system crash or natural disaster. This contact would be the person UDig NY would call to dispatch an emergency request. This contact must be available on a 24/7 basis. There is only one (1) Disaster Recovery contact and is required.
Mapping Contact – this contact is responsible for configuration and maintenance of the geographic information of the underground facilities for the Service Area. This information is relied upon to determine if the Service Area will receive the location request. You may assign more than one contact by only one can access the map at one time. (we suggest no more than two).
Positive Response Contact – this contact will be the person(s) who enters the response for each of the location requests the Service Area receives. Each Service Area requires at least one positive response contact (this could also be the Service Area Manager), but we suggest no more than three. Members who use a locating service or a Service Provider who enter responses through another system (that communicates with Exactix), will not need to be listed as a Positive Response contact.
Gas Emergency Contact – Each operator of an underground facility containing gas or liquid petroleum products is required to provide a means of accepting emergency calls and prompt field assistance to such calls on a 24 hour per day basis. The contact’s name and number will be given to anyone who contacts UDig NY to report a gas emergency or a damaged/discovered utility pipe to err on the side of safety. The caller is advised to contact this number directly.
Please note: A member can also elect a free courtesy call from UDig NY notifying them of a gas emergency.
Gas Emergency Voice Contact -this contact can be the same as the Gas Emergency Contact or can be different. This is the number that UDig NY will call to dispatch the gas emergency information. Members sometimes use this feature due to callers choosing not to place the call directly.
The Service Area contact can be one person or multiple people but please note that some contact types are limited to one contact meaning only one person can be that contact. Additionally, some contact types require that contact to have roles/permissions within Exactix for that contact person to complete their responsibilities.
When completing this page and adding any new contacts please include the following information for the new contact(s): Name, email address, phone number(s), and mailing address including what contact type or role/permission they need.
Depending on any elective services your Service Area has you may find additional contact types listed such as: Voice Calls, SMS, and/or Ticket Viewer.
Voice Calls Contacts – is an elective service your service area uses usually for after-hours emergency location requests. This contact lists your contacts that we notify via an automated phone call and mostly used for emergency dig requests and usually after-hours however some members utilize this service differently depending on their needs. This is a billable service.
SMS Contact – this contact is only available with voice calls and mimics the voice call setup. This contact can be a different person however only one person can be listed.
Ticket Viewer – is a contact who doesn’t require access to respond to tickets but needs to have access to view incoming tickets to assist with prioritizing work, reports, etc.
Page 4 will list the information found on the Ticket Delivery Rules tab within the Service Area Profile.
Here you will find the different location request delivery setups your service area has. These can range from one delivery known as Primary, where all location requests (types) are sent to one primary location at all times. However, some members may have multiple location requests deliveries. Such as Primary and Emergency (outside business hours) delivery setups.
A delivery rule defines what ticket types are sent to what location address (email/web request XML/Rest API (JSON)/voice calls/SMS) and during what times. A delivery rule can be for certain ticket types and during certain hours.
When looking at your listed delivery rules the following information will be listed:
Each delivery rule will be name and in bold such as UDIG NY PRIMARY or UDIG NY VOICE CALLS.
Status of rule (Active): yes or no
Delivery Method –send to destination, forward to a Service Provider, Automated IVR Call Out (Voice Calls), or SMS
Destination Info – Name of Destination, Destination Code, and address/phone that location request will be sent to.
During times – is referring to when (time) we will deliver location requests to this destination. Applies during what times: Always, Business hours, non-business hours.
Ticket Categories – applies to what Ticket Categories will be delivered with this rule. Either All Tickets, or selected ticket types (Regular, Emergency, Short Notice, Design, Demolition, Meet, Gas Emergency, and Safety Notification).
All ticket types are required to be delivered to a member in some fashion. Exempt Members get one free delivery rule (not including voice calls). Participating members and additional email/web request deliveries have a fee associated with it. Voice calls are an elective service and are billable also.
Please note when making changes to a delivery rule please provide the following details: email address/web request address/phone number; when we should be sending, what ticket types, and a contact name & number if ever any delivery issues/concerns.
Final steps of a profile verification process:
Once you have gone through the 4 pages and made any necessary changes or approved the pages, click on Submit. A Warning window will open:
If you are sure, you are ready to submit the changes to UDig NY’s Member Services to be reviewed and updated. Click on the Submit button. Your profile verification has been completed and Member Services has been notified your profile is ready for review. Please provide 48-hours for Member Services to review and update your Service Area Profile.
Member Services will follow up with an email with any concerns or questions along with notifying you that the Profile Verification has been updated.
If at any time you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to Member Services by submitting a Service Desk request here or emailing [email protected].