Site MarkingsStandard color codes
Paint, flags, or stakes indicating the presence of a buried facility should correspond to the following color codes:
Red = Electric
Yellow = Gas/Oil/Steam
Orange = Communications/CATV
Blue = Water
Green = Sewer
Pink = Survey Markings
White = Proposed Excavation
Purple = Reclaimed Water, Irrigation
Confirm utilities have responded
Do not begin an excavation until you have confirmed all notified utilities have either responded to the location request—markings at a site do not indicate the site has been cleared for excavation. Best practice is to confirm your utility responses in real time by logging into your Exactix account.
Excavators can help the utilities and their crews by marking the exact excavation site with white paint prior to requesting a location request. Avoid using other colors, as they can misrepresent marking compliant with the standard color codes.

Common marking styles
Facility operators rarely provide depth information. If you find markings containing numbers, it likely indicates the width of the facility.